The Walcott City Council Meeting was held March 8th, 2021 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Bennes, Brown, Rhodenbaugh, and Oestreich. February Minutes were read and approved by Rhodenbaugh, 2nd by Bennes. All approved, motion carried. Further discussion was held regarding city file storage. Council decided to utilize the Water Plant for file storage. Vining will get a used file cabinet from work and Auditor Skoog will sort and move all necessary files. Sewage backup occurred in two resident homes. Jet-way and Glacier Ent have been out to clean the blockage causing the issues. Necessary repairs will be done once the weather warms up. Damage caused was due to flushable wipes used by residents. Council requests that all residents refrain from using flushable wipes to prevent further issues. Annual chicken agreement for Plankers/Harty was reviewed. Brown motioned to approve, 2nd by Rhodenbaugh. All approved, motion carried. The 2020 Financial Statement was presented to the City Council. Bennes motioned to accept the 2020 Financial Statement, 2nd by Rhodenbaugh. All approved, motion carried. Auditor reported that the streetlight by Frances Walker is not working properly. Vining will contact the power company for repairs. Vining thinks there may be assistance to help update/revamp ordinances through League of Cities. Auditor Skoog will research the process. Resolution 2019-2 was read and authorizes the issuance and sale of $449,000 Wastewater Treatment Revenue Bond. Motion to adopt by Bennes, second by Rhodenbaugh. All approved, motion carried. City Council asks all residents who wish to keep fowl within city limits to please contact Auditor Skoog to complete the proper paperwork. Please report any fowl possession within City Limits to Auditor Skoog. Annual Walcott Equalization Meeting will be held on April 8th at 7:30pm at the Walcott Fire Hall. Water bills were discussed. Next Meeting April 5th, 2021. Oestreich motioned to adjourn, Bennes 2nd. All Approved, motion carried. General Fund Balance 74,316.98 OTPCO 32.53 & 423.79; Jen S 554.10; Daily News 57.42; JDF 147.79 WSG Balance 80,564.55 OTPCO 314.77 & 74.16; Brian B. 369.40; SEWU 1388.90; BND 886.46 & 2909.38; AE2S 164.75; WM 1713.16 & 11.25; Shortprinter 97.61; CCE 25 |
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
August 2024