The Walcott City Council Meeting was held June 5th, 2023 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Brown, Oestreich, Rhodenbough and Janowicz. Also in attendance was Kayla Jinadasa with Brewzers, Laura Boyer, Brian Berganstein and Chase Julson with AE2S. May minutes and financials were read and approved by Oestreich, 2nd by Janowicz. All approved, motion carried. Kayla approached the board requesting the annual renewal of the gaming license for Brewzer’s. Oestreich motioned to approve the request, seconded by Brown. Carried. Laura inquired about the city removing some trees next to the culvert on their property in town. Lee stated that the city hasn’t handled tree removal for residents before, however he will take a look at the trees and keep in touch with Laura. Brian and Chase went through the current city wastewater statistics and noted that the current waste water setup does not currently meet the state criteria for gallons per capita. Discussion was held on the current land available and city expansion. Discussions will be held with nearby land owners to discuss city lagoon expansion. Chase discussed a few different financing options, however there are very few options for wastewater infrastructure. Discussion held regarding gravel bids. Brown motioned to approve the bid from TJM, seconded by Rhodenbough. Carried. City Clean-up days will be June 10-11. Dumpsters will be within the fenced area in the south end of town. Certain hours will be posted and everyone must present proof of residency. In return for using his property, Prairie Scale will receive free water bills for remainder of the year. Discussion was held regarding the park board bank account. An audit of the park board accounts will be done in the next couple months. Next Meeting July 10th, 2023 Oestreich motioned to adjourn, seconded by Brown. All Approved, motion carried. General Fund Balance $251,025.43 OTPCO 413.98 & 59.63; Jen S 554.10; Column 70.20 RDO 168.15; CHS 601.55; Swanston Equip 1612.50; Lee V 2055; Farmers Union 1905 WSG Balance $92,392.64 Brian B. 369.40; WM 1840.14 & 13.47; City of Fargo 14 & 48; OTPCO 401.20 & 85.82; SEWU 1098.05; AE2S 90; Ryan Bros 547.47 |
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
February 2025