The Walcott City Council Meeting was held September 11th, 2023 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Brown and Oestreich. Absent was Janowicz and Rhodenbough. Also in attendance was Jon Kristiansen, Richard Mower with Waste Management, and Debbie Erickson & Randy Jawaski with Fat Man Trash. August minutes and financials were read and approved by Oestreich, 2nd by Brown. All approved, carried. Richard with Waste Management presented his garbage/recycling proposal which would start in 2024. Discussion was held. Debbie & Randy with Fat Man Trash presented their garbage/recycling proposal, which would start in 2024. Discussion was held. Vining read through the emailed proposal from T&G Sanitation for their garbage proposal, which would start in 2024. T&G does not offer recycling at this time. Discussion was held Vining continues to work with a local land owner and the city attorney regarding the lagoon expansion. Discussion was held. Council agreed to have the attorney move forward with a proposed purchase agreement. Vining reported that the lift station is currently having some issues with the air conditioning/heating unit. Action has been taken to work on a resolution. Vining is working with the realtor to list the old Anderson property. Action is starting to be taken on the various properties around town that need major clean-up. Notification was received that Southeast Water Users is increasing their rates effective 1/1/2024. Further discussion will be held regarding a city-wide rate increase at the October meeting. Jon provided an update on upgrading the playground equipment at the park. Next Meeting October 2nd, 2023 Brown motioned to adjourn, seconded by Oestreich. All Approved, motion carried. General Fund Balance $240,633.14 OTPCO 366.62 & 38.18; Jen S 554.10; TJM 226.80; Glacier Dust 6147.90; Banyon 787.50; Glacier Ent 1125; FCCU 85.29 WSG Balance $89,280.03 Brian B. 369.40, 273.79, 100.95; FCCU 96.75; WM 1840.14 & 13.47; City of Fargo 14 & 48; OTPCO 104.39 & 225.24; SEWU 1520.75; USPS 255; AE2S 90; Banyon 787.50, BND 26,715 |
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
December 2024