The Walcott City Council Meeting was held October 7th, 2024 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Brown, Janowicz. Absent was Oestreich & Rhodenbough. Also in attendance were John Kristanson, Shelly Swandal, Stu Swandal, Cheryl Anderson. August & September minutes and financials were read and approved by Janowicz, 2nd by Brown. All approved, motion carried. Stu Swandal inquired about the city having enough land for another lagoon cell. Vining stated that we have enough for another cell, however not enough for expansion and to ensure the city is up to State standards. Cheryl Anderson inquired about the possibility of getting other ditches ‘shot’ throughout town to see how we can get things to drain better. She also brought up how ‘rough’ town is looking with all the personal items skewed around yards and along roads. Vining provided an update regarding the Ron Rydell property. The asking price is too high for the city to consider, and the city needs to look into different options. Vining reviewed multiple options for the city to move forward. Option 1 will allow for a 7-acre expansion at $2.3M and allows for city expansion. Option 2 would be to remain at the current capacity and refuse all future building permits. Option 3 would be to add the one small cell, which would allow the city to be up to state code, however all building permits would still need to be refused going forward. To be eligible for SRF funding, all lagoon expansion would need to follow state requirements. Emanate domain was also discussed as an option. The natural gas line company hit the lagoon discharge line during construction. A bill will be sent to them for repairs needed. No further work will be done on Main street this year. Discussion was held about continuing to replace the sidewalk further down. Brewzer’s will be requested to attend the November meeting with a completed liquor license application. John Kristanson reported that he is working on obtaining funding for some new park equipment. Water bills were discussed. Next Meeting November 4th, 2024. Janowicz motioned to adjourn, seconded by Brown. Carried. August Financials General Fund Balance $178,526.36 OTPCO 446.83 & 34.57; Jen S 738.80 WSG Balance $123,807.61 Brian B. 369.40; WM 1928.16 & 13.47; OTPCO 127.02 & 213.44; SEWU 1388.57; AE2S 90; City of Fargo 14; Riteway 208.50; BND 26445 September Financials General Fund Balance $169,096.69 OTPCO 413.61 & 34.61; Jen S 738.80 & 14.75; Glacier 474.75; TJM Trucking 8930.25; Lies Bullis Hatting 943.69; State Auditor 580; Richland Co 652.78 WSG Balance $129,584.42 Brian B. 369.40; WM 1928.16 & 13.47; OTPCO 112.51 & 208.75; SEWU 1507.51; USPS 448; AE2S 90; City of Fargo 62; CHS 152.95; NDDEQ 183.52 |
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
February 2025