The Walcott City Council Meeting was held November 4th, 2024 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining, and council members Brown, Rhodenbough, Janowicz, Oestreich. Also in attendance were John Kristanson, Kayla Jinadasa with Brewzers. October minutes and financials were read and approved by Rhodenbough, 2nd by Janowicz. All approved, motion carried. John Kristanson reported that the park board will be receiving a check from Horace Lions Club for $50,000. If we add their name to a new park sign, they will give an additional $2,000 for the new sign. Vining discussed the need to continue having Main Street repaired, including the sidewalk in front of Brewzer’s. Kayla with Brewzer’s requested more information and estimates before making a decision. Vining also requested that Brewzer’s clean up items on their lot, including the small school bus. Kayla presented an application for 2025 beer and liquor licenses for Brewzer’s. Oestreich motioned to approve the application, seconded by Rhodenbough. Carried. Oestreich reported that Andersons are not in favor of selling land for a lagoon expansion. Further discussion was held regarding the other possible options. Mowing bills were received for a couple resident properties, lift station, ball diamond, and park. Water bills were discussed. Next Meeting December 2nd, 2024. Janowicz motioned to adjourn, seconded by Brown. Carried General Fund Balance $169,142.51 OTPCO 35.85 & 419.21; Jen S 738.80; Lies Bullis Hatting 560; State Auditor 290; Farmer’s Union 365; Column Software 752.40; US Treasury 550.80 WSG Balance $132,265.12 Brian B. 369.40; WM 3391.43 & 1928.16 & 13.47; OTPCO 209.48 & 110.70; SEWU 1458.38; AE2S 90; City of Fargo 14; Ferguson 1260; FCCU 343.76 & 4 |
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
February 2025