The Walcott City Council Meeting was held May 1st, 2023 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Brown and Oestreich. Absent were council members Rhodenbough and Janowicz. Also in attendance was John Kristanson, Sue Farsdale, and Kaelan Akvik. April minutes and financials were read and approved by Oestreich, 2nd by Brown. All approved, motion carried. Sue asked for an update on a garbage provider, when city cleanup will be, how to handle the 4 wheelers coming through town, and if the city is going to put gravel down. She also brought forth concerns from another resident regarding resident mailboxes, and excess personal property in residents yards. Council advised to call the sheriff regarding 4-wheelers, gravel will be put down in town soon, Vining is looking into putting in better mailbox posts for community mailboxes, and work with the city attorney is ongoing regarding unsightly personal property. Kaelan brought forth the question of how alleyways are used by residents. Discussion was held. Final clean-up will be done on the old Anderson property and it will be listed for sale. Glacier will be contacted to work on cleaning sewers and fix a man hole hit by the plow. Ditches are being examined for cleaning and a new culvert may be put in next to Fowler’s alleyway. Vining received a bid from Waste Management and will be contacting the other two companies for official bids before making a final decision. The city is in contract with Waste Management through the end of 2023. Waste Management will be contacted for a clean-up day in June. Vining is checking into the possible use of the fenced in area in town to help curb issues with clean-up week. The City attorney is attempting to contact Sherven about cleaning up his property. Oestreich motioned to designate the Wahpeton Daily News as the city’s official newspaper, 2nd by Brown. Carried. The city has ARPA and Prairie Dog funds to be used towards specific approved projects. Vining will contact the engineering firm to start looking into a lagoon expansion. Next Meeting June 5th, 2023 Oestreich motioned to adjourn, seconded by Brown. All Approved, motion carried. General Fund Balance 254,025.29 OTPCO 391.47 & 68.89; Jen S 554.10 & 214.99; Daily News 124.20; FCCU 91.43; RDO 256.08 & 307.51; CHS 592.50; US Treasury 459; Richland Co 852 WSG Balance 95,155.61 Brian B. 369.40; WM 1840.14 & 13.47; City of Fargo 14; OTPCO 376.26 & 77.44; SEWU 825; USPS 112.92; FCCU 120.25 & 4; Glacier 975; AE2S 180 Comments are closed.
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
August 2024