The Walcott City Council Meeting was held March 6th, 2023 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Brown, Janowicz, and Rhodenbough. Absent was council member Oestreich and auditor Skoog. Also in attendance was Jon Rieger, and Randy Jawaski and Debbie Erickson with Fat Man Trash. February minutes and financials were read and approved by Brown, 2nd by Janowicz. All approved, motion carried. Randy Jawaski and Debbie Erickson presented what services Fat Man Trash could provide for the city. Offerings included weekly trash and monthly recycling curbside pickup, along with clean-up day services. Jon Rieger presented the Tax Exemption status for Little Miracles LLC day care. State Century Code allow for day cares to request exemption status on the structure only. Exemption only applies to the business name and owner. If anything were to change, the exemption status would no longer apply. Rhodenbough motioned to approve the tax exemption status for Little Miracles LLC day care, owned by Jon Rieger, seconded by Brown. All approved, motion carried. Vining presented the Emergency Snow and Flood Declarations for 2023. City will begin flood prevention measures of cleaning snow from ditches as soon as weather allows. This declaration allows the city to rent equipment and hire contractors for prevention measures as needed. Janowicz motioned to approve the Emergency Snow and Flood Declarations for 2023, seconded by Brown. All approved, motion carried. Next Meeting April 3rd, 2023 Janowicz motioned to adjourn, seconded by Brown. All Approved, motion carried. General Fund Balance 246,059.74 OTPCO 399.36 & 85.30; Jen S 554.10 & 297.23; Daily News 62.10; CHS 118.42; Twin Valley Tire 565 WSG Balance 85,391.59 Brian B. 369.40; WM 1840.14 & 13.47; City of Fargo 14; OTPCO 357.12 & 73.17; SEWU 1185.43; AE2S 90; Fergusons 14,033.25; Ryan Bros 761.23; Riteway 203.01; Bank of ND 4740; USPS 19.20 & 76.80 Comments are closed.
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
February 2025