The Walcott City Council Meeting was held March 7th, 2022 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Brown, Rhodenbaugh, Janowicz, and Oestreich. Also in attendance was Jim Berg. Vining recognized the audience. Jim inquired about adding water to his property, and where the meter and curbstop should be placed. Vining stated that the resident would be responsible for all plumbing installation and supplying the frost-free location. The city will provide the meter. January & February minutes were read and approved by Rhodenbaugh, 2nd by Oestreich. All approved, motion carried. The City Tax Equalization meeting will be held on April 7th @ 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall. Elections will be held on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. All election paperwork is due to Auditor Skoog by 4pm on April 11th to be included on the ballot. Elections will include 3 council member positions and 1 park board position. Election information can be found on the city website. Water bills were discussed. Cynthia Erickson has moved without a forwarding address. Skoog will work to locate her, or her son, to resolve the outstanding balance. ARPA funds reporting is due April 30th. Skoog is working through this paperwork. Regarding the new meters, all information has been submitted, and Ferguson will be sending out letters soon. Vining reported that the snowblower has some issues with the chute and blowing snow onto houses. Vining proposed that the city purchase a new commercial-grade snowblower out of Québec for $15,050, as long as we order before June. This type of blower is highly used in the FM area for commercial use. A blower similar to what the city already has would be $8k, and will have many of the same issues as the current blower. Rhodenbaugh motioned to order the new snowblower, seconded by Janowicz. Motion carried. Next Meeting April 4th, 2022. Brown motioned to adjourn, Oestreich 2nd. All Approved, motion carried. General Fund Balance 155,273.06 OTPCO 50.77 & 414.05; Jen S 554.10 & 160.18; JDF 147.79; WSI 250; CHS 936.17; RDO 941.74 & 18.68 WSG Balance 65,975.94 OTPCO 354.28 & 82.45; Brian B. 369.40; SEWU 1229.02; City of Fargo 14; AE2S 70; WM 1785.46 & 12.08; BND 1200.59 & 3801.76 Comments are closed.
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
February 2025