The Walcott City Council Meeting was held May 6th, 2024 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Brown and Oestreich. Absent was Janowicz and Rhodenbough. Also in attendance was John Kristianson. April minutes and March & April financials were read and approved by Oestreich, 2nd by Brown. All approved, carried. City Clean-up will be the weekend of June 8th. A letter will be sent out at the end of May with further information. City will provide 6 dumpsters, only residents who live in city limits may show their ID for use of the dumpsters. $837 will be credited to Prairie Scale’s account for use of the property. John presented new playground equipment options. Vining will talk to the Horace Lions regarding a donation, and further discussion will be held at the next meeting. Vining will contact someone for park mowing. The City attorney is working on agreements for Jon Rieger’s daycare building addition. Rieger will cover the construction of the city sidwalk. Discussion was held regarding repaving main street. Oestreich motioned to move forward with paving a 10 foot wide, half block section starting on the Northwest half of main street, using the Prairie Dog funds received from the state, seconded by Brown. Carried. Roads will be graded again. Only one gravel bid was received by the city, sent by TJM. Once restrictions are off, gravel projects will start. Brown motioned to make Wahpeton Daily News the official city newspaper, seconded by Oestreich. All approved, motion carried. A gaming permit from Horace Lions Club was presented. Oestreich motioned to approve the gaming permit as presented, seconded by Brown. All approved, motion carried. The City still has ARPA funds that need to be assigned to a project by December 31, 2024. The council continues to discuss the proposed lagoon expansion. An update was provided regarding current city legal matters. Discussion was held. Vining will be reaching out to the attorney with next steps. Skoog presented the Proposed 2025 Walcott City Budget. Oestreich motioned to approved as presented, seconded by Brown. All approved, motion carried. Water bills were discussed. Next Meeting June 3rd, 2023 Oestreich motioned to adjourn, seconded by Brown. Carried. March Financials: General Fund Balance $181,607.15 OTPCO 33.67 & 419.14; Jen S 554.10 & 371.15; CHS 18.70; Column Software 40.50 WSG Balance $128,403.06 Brian B. 369.40; WM 1839.51 & 13.47; OTPCO 83.44 & 290.71; ND Sewage Pump 625; SEWU 1391.51; City of Fargo 14; AE2S 90; GovCard 19.95 April Financials: General Fund Balance $181,160.27 OTPCO 33.77 & 426.83; Jen S 738.80; Cass Co Reporter 60; Lies Bullis Hatting 380 & 255.88; Richland Co 1084; Column Software 62.10; US Treasury 489.60 WSG Balance $134,730.75 Brian B. 369.40; WM 2530.98 & 13.47; OTPCO 292.95 & 83.85; SEWU 1254.51; City of Fargo 14 & 62; Jen Skoog 318; AE2S 90; GovCard 19.95 Comments are closed.
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
February 2025