The Walcott City Council Meeting was held September 14, 2020 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Bennes, Brown, Rhodenbaugh, and Oestreich. Also in attendance were Brian Bergantine and Chase Julson with AE2S, and Kaelan Akvik. August Minutes were read and approved by Rhodenbaugh, 2nd by Bennes. All approved, motion carried. The new pumping station has been up and pumping successfully since September 4th. Chase gave an overview of Change Order #1, cutting down the wet well at grade, increasing the total project by $2,385. Oestreich motioned to accept Change Order #1, Bennes 2nd. All approved, motion carried. Chase indicated the station is fully operational, presenting the Certificate of Substantial Completion. Rhodenbaugh motioned to accept the Certificate of Substantial Completion, Brown 2nd. All approved, motion carried. PPE #1 was presented to the council by Chase. Rhodenbaugh motioned to approve the PPE #1 payment, Bennes 2nd. All approved, motion carried. Due to changes in the original project plans, the lift station loan amount will need to be increased to $458,935. Bennes motioned to approve the new loan amount, Rhodenbaugh 2nd. All approved, motion carried. Chase presented the PLC monitoring program to allow for alarm/notification monitoring for both the water plant and the lift station. The estimated $6,500 fees associated with this program will be paid directly out of the Water & Sewer account and will not be added to the total project loan. Discussion was held regarding future upgrades to the Lagoon. Council agreed to monitor water and lagoon usage and discuss at a future meeting. Vining provided an update on the purchase of the church property. All paperwork has been signed and payment will be made once all paperwork has been finalized by the lawyer. Any future fireworks displays will be handled by the Walcott Fire Department. Bennes motioned to close the Fireworks account at Elm River Credit Union and surrender all funds to the Walcott Fire Dept, Rhodenbaugh 2nd. All approved, motion carried. Now that work is complete on the new lift station, the road in front of the new lift station will be graveled. Vining will be working to replace worn or missing road signs within town. Water bills were discussed. Next Meeting October 5, 2020. Oestreich motioned to adjourn, Bennes 2nd. All Approved, motion carried. General Fund Balance 64,528.55 OTPCO 400.27 & 26.01; Jen S 554.10; JDF 147.79; KNDPA 350; Glacier ENT 4554.64; Van Diest 1391.98; Twin Valley Tire 3890; Lies & Bullis 420; Richland Co 396.87; Daily News 60.03 & 60.03 WSG Balance 90,250.07 OTPCO 65.86 & 172.73; Brian B. 369.40 & 15; SEWU 1666.28; Dakota Hills 1087.25; Jetway 1402.50; Ferguson 37.09; Wahpeton Daily 10.44; City of Fargo 14; WM 1629.69 & 11.25; Bank of ND 16328.99; ND Sewage 2700 Comments are closed.
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
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February 2025