The Walcott City Council Meeting was held January 9th, 2023 at 7:30 pm at the Walcott Fire Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Vining and council members Brown, Janowicz, Rhodenbough and Oestreich. Also in attendance was John Kristanson. December minutes and November & December financials were read and approved by Rhodenbough, 2nd by Janowicz. All approved, motion carried. The new snowblower has arrived and has been paid for. The old snowblower will be sold. Vining will research the value and decide with the attorney if we can sell outright or sell via bids. Old Anderson property has been surveyed and staked out. Vining will contact the realtor for next steps. Vining will follow up with the new plumber on the few homes in town with meter issues. The Planker chicken agreement was presented to the council. Rhodenbough motioned to approve the agreement, seconded by Brown. All approved, motion carried. Skoog presented information on the GovCard system. The city will offer this payment option, however, residents are responsible for the additional costs. Skoog is ordering new WSG postcards for future bills. Multiple shutoff notices were sent with this month’s bills. Next Meeting February 6th, 2023. Rhodenbough motioned to adjourn, Oestreich 2nd. All Approved, motion carried. November Financials: General Fund Balance 178,963.41 OTPCO 384.39 & 28.83; Jen S 554.10; TJM Trucking 550.50; RDO 148.44 & 1014.86; Wyatt V 665;Daily News 48.60 WSG Balance 86,334.52 Brian B. 369.40; AE2S 90; Ferguson 1050; City of Fargo 62; FCCU 3; Harland Clark 57.88; OTPCO 254.04, 96.27, 80.88, 220.68 December Financials: General Fund Balance 170,364.55 OTPCO 429.52 & 24.33; Jen S 554.10 & 33.90; Ackerman Survey 934; RDO 15,055 WSG Balance 90,778.27 Brian B. 369.40; USPS 240; WM 1788.20, 13.47, 1788.20, 13.47; City of Fargo 14; Jen Skoog 16.06; OTPCO 168.66 & 60.72; SEWU 1107.13 & 1060.28 |
City Council
Regular Monthly Meetings 1st Monday @ 7:30pm Walcott Fire Hall Mayor Lee Vining Council Members Greg Oestreich Mike Brown Derek Rhodenbaugh Andrea Janowicz Auditor Jen Skoog Park Board
John Kristianson Archives
August 2024